Hi there, Crafties I know, it's been ages since I've posted anything! But I was in a bit of a fix. You see, my laptop is not what it used to be and my Tablet likes acting up when I need to upload pics. I don't usually do the posts on our desktop PC as it is not in my working / crafting space, but...! I thought I owe blogland some new posts. And I was just getting started with The Windows of Camelot . I must tell you, I got really carried away working out blocks for windows. It's nothing complicated, in fact, Windows 1 & 2 are just like Window 1 with only very small differences. You can read in the previous post how I got inspired by this. That's why, for today, I'll show you how to do the Window for a Queen. Although we're dreaming about Camelot, I'm not giving the queen a name. The queen and her ladies-in-waiting are having tea in her chambers. From time to time, she looks at the new design on her windows and then she smiles. She loves the simple ...
Showing posts from November, 2022